
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

New Guide on 'Unseen' Disabilities for Small Businesses

To help small businesses avoid unintentionally discriminating against people living with long-term conditions, such as HIV and cancer, the National AIDS Trust has produced 'You can't always tell- a guide to 'unseen' disabilities for small businesses'. The free guide provides clear, practical advice to help small business owners ensure that they are providing a fair and equal working environment for employees who may be living with one of these conditions and that they are not breaking the law.


No Increase in HIV Prevention Spend Despite Massive Increase in Need

The results of a survey by the National AIDS Trust suggest that investment in HIV prevention in England has stagnated, and probably decreased, over the last ten years, despite the fact that the potential for HIV transmission in the UK is greater than it has ever previously been.


New Issue of Impact Examines HIV and the Law


The National AIDS Trust has launched the latest issue of Impact, its policy bulletin which stimulates debate on key HIV policy topics. This issue focuses on HIV and the law and aims to give an overview of both the current legal developments that can affect the lives of people living with HIV and the work that the National AIDS Trust and other organisations are doing to ensure that the law protects, rather than infringes, the rights of people living with HIV.
