
Monday, August 13, 2007


Unprotected sex:
Unprotected SexIf a person engages in sexual intercourse with an infected person without using a condom, s/he can get infected. The sexual act can be both vaginal and anal.
Sharing of needles:
Sharing of needlesIf a person shares the needle or syringe used by/on an infected person, either for injecting drugs or drawing blood or for any other purpose involving piercing, s/he can get infected. Instruments used for piercing and tattooing also carry a small risk of infection.
Unsafe blood:
Unsafe Blood TransfusionA person can get the infection, if he/she is given transfusion of infected blood.
Improperly sterilised hospital tools:
Improperly sterilized hospital toolsIf surgical devices like syringes and scalpels, or even certain instruments, used on an infected person, are used on another person without proper sterilization, they can transmit the infection.
Parent to Child:
MTCTAn HIV positive mother can transmit the virus to child during pregnancy or birth. Breast milk can also act as a transmission-medium.

Theoretically oral sex without condom (on men) or barriers like dental dam, vaginal dams or plastic wrap (on women) can also transmit the infection.

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