
Monday, August 13, 2007

Voluntary Donation of Blood

Who can donate blood?

Every healthy individual with no known infection /disease
can donate blood. It should still be done after having screened
yourself. The donor should be in good health and should be f
eeling well on the day they donate. He/she should weigh at least
110 lbs. (50 kg) or more, not on any prescribed medication that
may affect the donor or recipient. There should be a gap of at least
56 days between donations.

How often can I donate blood?

Donating blood over thrice a year is not recommended. Excessive
donation results in blood becoming substandard, for instance lacking
in iron. It can also affect the donor's health.

Where can I donate blood?

One can donate blood at any licensed blood bank and blood donation

Why should I donate blood?

The safest type of blood donor is the voluntary, unpaid donor. Such
donor gives out of altruism, and is not under pressure to donate
blood. On the whole, such donors are are more likely to meet the
criteria for low risk donors. And they are also more likely to be
willing to donate on a regular basis and at properly spaced intervals.
This is important in maintaining a sufficient stock of blood.

How will it be used?

Blood is often used as a replacement of the quantity given to an
individual by a medical practitioner. In this system, families of people
needing a transfusion are asked to donate the same quantity as that
given to their relative and this blood may be used directly, where
compatible, or else put into the general pool.

Is blood donation harmful?

No, if it is at properly spaced intervals and is donated at licensed blood banks/camps it is not harmful. Many donors have given blood over 50
times, up to four times a year, without any harm to their health. If you
are healthy, you can give blood every 56 days.

Can you get HIV by donating blood?

It is safe to give blood. You cannot contract any diseases through blood
donation if the needle and other clinic materials used to take blood are
new, sterile and used only once. If you are donating at licensed banks,
these safety conditions will be definitely adhered to. The materials used
are disposed after one use.

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